When authors are interviewed, they are always asked what they’re reading. In a New York Times interview, Michael Connelly, the terrific thriller and mystery writer, listed some of his favorite books: Act of War: Lyndon Johnson, North Korea, and the Capture of the Spy Ship Pueblo by Jack Cheevers; The Public Burning by Robert Coover; The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein; and Red Dragon by Thomas Harris (he apparently prefers it over the more famous Hannibal Lecter sequel, Silence of the Lambs ). Connelly also likes John D. MacDonald’s Travis McGee series. While I tend to overload on thrillers and mysteries, I also try to read a lot of nonfiction: Chaser , a heartfelt book by John W. Pilley about a border collie that knows an astounding 1,000 words (putting the pooch on my level after I’ve had a couple martinis); Flight of the Eagle , a wonderfully written, one-volume history of the United States by Conrad Black. (Blac...