· “A writer is a world inside a person.” -- Victor Hugo · “A writer never has a vacation. For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about writing.” -- Eugène Ionesco I believe that a writer who takes his or her work seriously is never, so to speak, off duty. That doesn’t mean writers actually think writing 24/7. When I’m poised over a three-foot putt, I’m not pondering anything but the excuse I will use when I miss: 1. There was a spike mark (which is less useful nowadays; the prevalence of spike-less golf shoes means most greens look like pool tables). 2. A damn gust of wind. Any whiff of breeze will do, even if it wouldn’t move a mayfly. 3. An opponent talked (or sneezed, belched, passed gas, or had a heart attack). 4. I suck. I have i...