“A writer is a world
inside a person.” -- Victor Hugo
“A writer never has a
vacation. For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about
writing.” -- Eugène Ionesco
I believe that a writer
who takes his or her work seriously is never, so to speak, off duty.
That doesn’t mean
writers actually think writing 24/7. When I’m poised over a three-foot putt,
I’m not pondering anything but the excuse I will use when I miss:
1. There was a spike mark (which is less useful
nowadays; the prevalence of spike-less golf shoes means most greens look like
pool tables).
2. A damn gust of wind. Any whiff of breeze will
do, even if it wouldn’t move a mayfly.
3. An opponent talked (or sneezed, belched, passed
gas, or had a heart attack).
4. I suck.
I have included golf
scenes in my thrillers, but my protagonists are typically capable golfers; that
is to say, figments of my imagination. If I wrote about my missed
three-footers, the book would be twice as long as War and Peace (and
more tragic).
But other than when
“relaxing” on a golf course, I am constantly on the lookout for characters,
scenes, images, and situations to include in my books, either the one I am
working on currently or future tomes. Since I am a strike-while-the-iron-is-hot
writer, it is the rare new idea that isn’t immediately plugged into my latest
Sometimes the idea
merely enhances a particular scene and makes it more colorful. A photo cube in
someone else’s novel morphed into what I hope is a nice interlude in one of
mine. But sometimes an idea needs a whole chapter to flesh out. Unless it’s an
earth-shattering realization that deserves a book of its own, better to use it
in your current book – even if it means a lot of extra work – than let it go
Ideas come to me in the
bathroom (the shower, of course!), when I’m jogging (read: walking), when
watching a movie, and in that twilight just before sleep. I keep my iPhone by
my bed to send myself an email that will remind me what I just thought about.
The iPhone comes in handy outdoors, as well; less so in the shower. I’ve run
dripping to my computer to write down a scene, a phrase, even a word that
intrigues me.
I have to go. My wife
wants me to take out the garbage. But it’s a long walk to the dumpster. Maybe
I’ll think of something I can use in a book!
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