I’ve been thinking about authors and the
diversity question.
Just how should they “integrate” minority
characters into their novels?
I am primarily talking about modern
novels. Period novels and non-fiction books are less problematical. The author
of a history or novel about the Civil War that features only white people would
have a lot of splainin’ to do, Lucy. And the Boxer Rebellion without Asians is
a rocky proposition. Sorry, I couldn’t resist it!
I write mysteries and thrillers set in
current times. My main protagonists are white, heterosexual (aggressively so!),
handsome and tough men of the world. I naturally modeled them after
myself. (OK, everyone who knows me can
now stop laughing.) Of course, if anyone wants to make a movie out of one of my
books, with Denzel Washington or Idris Elba in the lead, I’ll rewrite every
line. I like all colors, but green is my favorite.
There is at least one strong woman in all my
novels, who often plays a role almost as crucial as my main character. She is
always beautiful and accomplished, and usually just as tough, or tougher, than
my heroes. Most of the women are white, but I am introducing other races into
the mix. And some of the women are more sexually “diverse” than my guys,
usually because I need some spice to further a plot. Or maybe I’m just fantasizing.
Hey, it’s fiction. It’s my book. So, sue me!
But what about secondary characters and villains?
First, the secondary characters. My heroes
are basically private eyes or government agents, who naturally deal with other
detectives, agents and a wide assortment of private citizens. I make it a point
to include as many races into the mix as I can. But not as sidekicks! Tonto
need not apply.
Readers of this column know that I am a
big fan of Robert B. Parker and his Spenser
novels. And I give Parker credit for creating the unique character of Hawk, the
black leg breaker who morphs into Spenser’s best friend, ally and, in many
cases, conscience. But Parker often spends a lot of time talking (through Hawk)
about the black experience. He tries to make Hawk more than a sidekick, but I
am not sure he entirely succeeds. The same holds true for Parker’s gay characters.
In my books, the blacks and other
minorities are just THERE, and are competent or incompetent, smart or stupid,
good-looking or ugly, etc. I don’t make a big deal about it. To treat them
otherwise is condescending. That’s not
to say that I don’t ascribe prejudices to other characters. The real world is full of jerks. And we, as
authors, write about the real world.
Now, villainy. I have featured Asian,
black, Hispanic and many other non-white villains – a veritable United Nations
of killers, both male and female. If you put them in a room, they would look
like the cast from Star Trek. I don’t
try to whitewash their evil (perhaps I could have found a better word than
whitewash, but I’m trying for some irony, here), or explain it away as a result
of a disadvantaged youth or any such claptrap. That, too, would be
condescending. They are just THERE.
In novels, writers should not
Bad people are as good as anyone
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